Giga Omni Media's portfolio of publications and calender of live events allow you to get your messaging to an influential body of readers in the knowledge worker, green tech and technology venture arenas. Some key metrics about our audience:
- We garner a great deal of attention and engagement from our readers - Our audience stays for 4 minutes and 30 seconds on average per visit.
- We speak to the world - Our readers are from around the world; only 56% are from the US.
- We are a daily necessity for our audience - 21% of our audience are termed addicts by Quantcast, and Giga Omni is an essential part of their lives. Another 52% of our audience are termed regulars.
- We have affluent and mature readers - The majority are aged 25 to 55 and are affluent with an annual income of over US$60,000.
- Our readers expect high quality journalism and timely news - Our network of six publications has produced over 15,000 stories since inception. Our editorial team pre-edits about 80% of articles before they are published.
- For more audience data, please visit Giga Omni Media's Quantcast page.
Our audience is comprised of an influential cadre of:
- Entrepreneurs
- Knowledge Workers
- Early Adopters
- Technologists
- CEOs and other C-level and VP-level executives
- Investors
- Lawyers